“My professional motto is: “If Not Me, Then Who?”
Lindsey German
Secretary & Civic Chair
I am: 31
I’m a young professional at: Riverside University Health System - Behavioral Health
I get involved in my community through the following organization(s): City of Riverside Human Relations Commission, Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center, American Society of Public Administrators, and the Pick Group!
I am a happy resident in the City of: Riverside
My career goals are to: Complete my PhD in Leadership Studies and to get more involved in domestic violence advocacy
My professional motto is: "If Not Me, Then Who?" - Travis Manion
My advice to other Young Pros is: Put yourself into an environment that promotes growth, and surround yourself with leaders that are supportive of your goals.
When I’m not working or volunteering, you can find me: At the ball field with my kids! #baseballmom
I joined PICK because: I was challenged by a former Pick President to engage deeper in the community, so I took that challenge head on!
PICK is awesome because: It has the ability to convene the next generation of business and community leaders
I maximize my PICK membership by: By being engaged in the Civic Engagement Committee!
The issues in Riverside that I care about most are: Justice reform and stigmatization of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse