“The issues in Riverside that I care about most are: Supporting small local businesses, continuing to grow our education systems and supporting Moms of young children.”
chelsea woodard
I am: 33
I’m a young Mama: to two small children, a dog and 20 chickens.
I get involved in my community through the following organization(s): PICK, MOPs Magnolia Church, FUMPs and Sandals Church.
I’m proud of this achievement: Graduated at the top of my class in Architecture at Cal Poly Pomona
I am a happy resident in the County of: Riverside
My career goals are to: Never feel like what I am doing is dreadful work.
My professional motto is: Live life like your dying and sleep when you are dead.
My advice to other YoPros is: Don’t let other people’s opinions get you down. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you every step of the way!
When I’m not working or volunteering, you can find me: collecting chicken eggs.
I joined PICK because: I enjoy meeting with other young like minded people who want to make Riverside a better place to live and work.
PICK is awesome because: We know how to party!
I maximize my PICK membership by: Getting involved, meeting new faces and learning more about the city we live in.
The issues in Riverside that I care about most are: Supporting small local businesses, continuing to grow our education systems and supporting Moms of young children.